Snapchat Clone

Snapchat Clone

Both app and web development have made great strides over the past few years. We frequently utilise a variety of social networking sites and messaging applications, including SnapChat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and others. One of the most commonly use

              Snapchat Clone 


Both app and web development have made great strides over the past few years. We frequently utilise a variety of social networking sites and messaging applications, including SnapChat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and others. One of the most commonly used functions is live chat. Discover how to use the CometChat React Native UI Kit, React Native, and Firebase to build a SnapChat clone with vanishing messages. In this article, a SnapChat clone will be created with the help of React Native, Firebase, and CometChat. Firebase supports the use of several sources for authentication.

The most popular email and password combination, touch.information, and social authentication are some examples. This lecture will use the email and password authentication mechanism, thus it must be enabled. Instagram is a good way to reach them.



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