The animation movie introduced today: The Red Turtle

"La torture rouge" is a work directed by Dutch Michael Dudok de Wit, French Pascale Ferran co-writer, and Japanese Takahata Isao as the artistic direction.

"La torture rouge" is a work directed by Dutch Michael Dudok de Wit, French Pascale Ferran co-writer, and Japanese Takahata Isao as the artistic direction. The animation movie is co-produced by Arte France Cinéma in France and Studio Ghibli in Japan, and distributed by Toho International.
The animation movie mainly tells the story of the male protagonist who was lost to an uninhabited island due to a shipwreck. The surviving man tried to build a life raft to escape from the deserted island, but his plan was continuously destroyed by the mysterious giant La torture rouge. When he was desperate, he The story of a mysterious woman who appeared and saved her soul.
The film was released in France on May 18, 2016, and in Japan on September 17, 2016.
Surrounded by the immense and furious ocean of the animation movie, a shipwrecked mariner battles for his life with the relentless towering waves. On the brink of demise, eventually, the man will find himself washed ashore on a deserted tropical island of sandy beaches, timid animal inhabitants, and a gracefully swaying bamboo forest. Alone, famished, yet determined to break free from this Eden-like prison, the stranded sailor summons up the strength to build a small raft, and sets off on a perilous journey in the wide open sea; however, an indistinguishable adversary prevents him from escaping. Never giving up hope, each day, the exhausted man attempts to make a new, sturdier, and more improved raft; nevertheless, the sea is vast with wonderful and mysterious creatures, and the island's only red turtle won't let the weary survivor escape that easily. Could this be the heartless enemy?
"The Red Turtle" is an animation movie that left my entire family feeling quietly devastated without even being able to put our fingers on why.
With no dialogue, it traces the trajectory life takes for most people: starting alone, finding someone to partner with, raising children, watching those children leave, and then saying goodbye to the world. The animation movie explores how things that can at first seem like barriers to happiness and contentment can eventually lead us to the things about life that we cherish most. It's not a film full of big, obvious emotions, but instead works a quiet and subtle spell. My eight-year-old was extremely attuned to the melancholy sadness of the film and spent a couple of minutes in tears afterward. It gave us a good opportunity to talk about why the movie made him sad and to make him feel OK about having honest reactions to what are essentially the ups and downs of life.


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