Single-Use Vapes Recycling Performance: A New Study Reveals 80% Recyclability

Discover the recycling performance of single-use vapes in a groundbreaking study by Waste Experts. Findings reveal 80% recyclability, highlighting the environmental impact of these popular vaping devices.

In a groundbreaking study conducted by Waste Experts and commissioned by vape producer ANDS, it has been revealed that single-use vapes can be recycled effectively when collected and handled correctly. The study analyzed 250 units of two different single-use vape products: Product A, an existing widely available single-use plastic and aluminium vape, and Product B, ANDS' innovative cardboard-based product. The findings shed light on the recyclability and environmental impact of these popular vaping devices, offering insights into their potential as more sustainable options.

Unveiling the Recycling Performance

The study's results were both surprising and promising. Product A, the traditional single-use plastic and aluminium vape, showed a recyclability rate of 80.09%, while Product B, the cardboard-based vape, exhibited a recyclability rate of 74.78%. Notably, an impressive 99.3% of Product B was either recyclable or recoverable, outperforming Product A, which scored 97.6% in this aspect. Moreover, in terms of landfill disposal, Product B proved to be the superior choice, with only 0.7% of units ending up in landfills, compared to 1.15% for Product A.

Dismantling and Components

The study also explored the practicalities of recycling by assessing the disassembly time and the number of components in each vape. Dismantling 250 units of Product A required a substantial 210 minutes, while Product B's disassembly took only 90 minutes, demonstrating the latter's easier recyclability. Further, Product B had seven components, while Product A contained eleven. These findings suggest that simpler designs with fewer components could significantly aid recycling efforts.

The Call to Address Environmental Impact

The survey's eye-opening results were shared with parliamentarians during a special House of Parliament reception. Mark Pawsey MP, the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, emphasized the need to address the environmental impact of single-use e-cigarettes. While the climate is changing in favor of more sustainable practices, there remains a window of opportunity to make a significant difference by tackling the environmental challenges posed by disposable vapes.

Measuring Recyclability

Waste Experts employed a comprehensive set of criteria to measure the recyclability of single-use vapes. Their analysis considered the materials used, the weight of recyclable components, the amount of waste diverted from landfill, disassembly time, the number of components within each vape, and the weight of the overall product. By examining these factors, the study provided a comprehensive evaluation of the devices' environmental impact.

Addressing Urgent Challenges

Although the study highlighted the strong recyclability performance of both products, Stewart Price, Scheme Manager at Waste Experts, pointed out critical challenges that demand immediate attention. The hazardous materials present in vapes require manual dismantling, as there is currently no safe mechanical treatment for certain components like e-liquid containers and lithium batteries. This manual process is not only expensive but also rate-limiting due to the need for suitably qualified personnel.

Overcoming Hurdles in Recycling

The study identified other hurdles, including limited options for recycling plastic wrapping, which often ends up in energy from waste applications. Additionally, the treatment of used units must be carefully considered, especially those that have degraded over time. Specialized attention or treatment may be necessary to manage such devices appropriately.

The Long-lasting Impact of Single-Use Vapes

Single-use vapes, if not disposed of responsibly, can persist in the environment for years, contributing to littering and environmental degradation. The need for proper recycling and waste management is paramount to minimize the negative consequences on our planet.

Responding to the Study

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS), stressed the importance of addressing littering issues caused by single-use vapes. Littering not only harms the environment but also impacts the economy and the overall quality of our living spaces. Zero Waste Scotland took the initiative to lead the "environmental impact of single-use e-cigarettes" report, prioritizing efforts to combat the throwaway culture and collaborate with the government to raise awareness about the environmental implications of littered vaping items.


The study's findings provide valuable insights into the recyclability of single-use vapes and their environmental impact. As the world becomes increasingly conscious of environmental issues, the need for sustainable alternatives in the vaping industry becomes more pressing. Manufacturers, policymakers, and consumers alike must come together to address the challenges posed by single-use vapes and promote recycling practices to safeguard our planet's future.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Are single-use vapes recyclable?

    • Yes, the study conducted by Waste Experts revealed that single-use vapes can be recycled effectively if collected and handled correctly.
  2. What was the recyclability rate of Product A and Product B?

    • Product A, the traditional plastic and aluminium vape, had a recyclability rate of 80.09%, while Product B, the cardboard-based vape, achieved a rate of 74.78%.
  3. Which product performed better in terms of landfill disposal?

    • Product B performed better, with only 0.7% of units sent to landfills, compared to 1.15% for Product A.
  4. How long did it take to dismantle the vapes in the study?

    • Dismantling 250 units of Product A required 210 minutes, while Product B's disassembly took 90 minutes.
  5. What challenges did the study identify in recycling single-use vapes?

    • The study identified challenges such as hazardous materials in vapes requiring manual dismantling and limited options for recycling plastic wrapping.

Vape Factory

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