Blackjack Tactics That Increase Your Odds of Winning

Contrary to popular belief, blackjack can be learned and mastered using effective strategies. While these may not guarantee every hand victory, they will significantly increase your odds of victory compared to playing without them.

Some of the most effective blackjack strategies to use at Vulkan Vegas online include splitting aces and eights, surrendering, and insurance bets - these techniques are easy to learn and will help reduce house edges.

Basic strategy

Blackjack is a game of skill, and players can gain an edge against the house by following basic strategy. Each hand should be played according to player cards and dealer up card - there are numerous free resources online which help players learn this strategy such as tables which show optimal moves for any situation and wallet-sized strategy cards in casinos gift shops.

Along with learning the rules and basic strategy of blackjack, it is also vitally important to refrain from making unnecessary side bets. Furthermore, it is wiser to stick to the provided chart rather than deviate based on emotion or intuition; additionally, using Martingale betting systems in blackjack could quickly deplete your bankroll.

Splitting Aces

Splitting Aces is an invaluable strategy that can help transform losing hands into winning ones. Although some blackjack players may hesitate to do this, basic strategy recommends it because this creates two starting totals of 11 rather than soft 2 or 12 which increases chances of making winning hands.

But sometimes splitting aces or eights may not be the optimal decision. For instance, players should always re-split pairs of 8s when dealing with dealers who hold a 10-card hole card because doing so costs them less money than betting against busted hands of 16 against such dealers.


The surrender option in blackjack is a unique rule that enables players to fold their hand and recover half of their bet under certain conditions, thus decreasing house edge and increasing profit potential for player profit potential. But in order to maximize its effectiveness it is essential that you know when and how best to use this rule.

Use of an optimal surrender strategy will increase your odds of victory when surrendering a hand. These optimal surrender strategies depend on both the value of your cards and that of the dealer's up card; deck count variation also plays a role. There may also be composition-dependent rules which analyze specific hand combinations; these strategies do not appear on basic strategy charts and require time and patience for implementation - therefore not recommended for casual players.

Insurance bets

Taken generally speaking, insurance in blackjack should generally not be considered a wise strategy. It is considered a sucker bet and will result in long-term losses for basic strategy players who use basic strategy alone. Furthermore, taking out insurance could expose any player to card counting techniques, so taking it probably wouldn't prove profitable for any gambler.

Simply, a side bet at 2 to 1 is made against the dealer's hole card, hoping it is either picture card or ten value card. If they turn over blackjack instead, however, then this insurance bet is lost, while your original bet remains settled as usual.

Nonetheless, advantage players should keep in mind that this bet will only work under certain conditions; therefore, you should avoid it if playing with more than two decks of cards.

Counting cards

Card counting is a mathematical strategy used by blackjack players to calculate the chances that their next hand will be beneficial to them. To count cards accurately requires keeping an ongoing running total of all the cards that have been dealt from each shoe of blackjack, assigning each card an assigned value according to its rank: high cards have positive values while low ones may even have negative ones! Counting cards requires tremendous concentration and precision from its users in order to work accurately.

Although card counting is legal in most casinos, it is considered unacceptable and players could face being kicked off the table if the casino suspects them of employing this strategy. Therefore, it is imperative to remain discrete when employing this tactic.


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