Braiding machine troubleshooting and repair methods

Troubleshooting and maintenance of braiding machines are key to extending the service life of the machine and ensuring production continuity.

The braiding machine plays an important role in the textile industry and is used to manufacture various braided products. However, due to long-term use and the influence of various factors, the braiding machine may malfunction. This article will introduce some common troubleshooting and repair methods to help operators solve problems quickly and maintain production continuity.

braiding machine

1. Troubleshooting steps:

Observe and record the fault phenomenon: When the braiding machine fails, the operator should stop it immediately and observe and record the fault phenomenon. This includes unusual sounds, vibrations, loose parts, etc.

Check the power supply and electrical system: First, make sure the power connection of the braiding machine is normal, and check whether the fuses and circuit breakers in the electrical system are normal. If problems are found, replace or repair them promptly.

Check the transmission system: Check the transmission system of the braiding machine, including belts, chains, gears, etc. Make sure they are not loose, worn, or broken. If problems are found, replace or repair them promptly.

Check the lubrication system: Make sure the lubrication system of the braiding machine is working properly. Check the oil level and quality of the lubricating oil, and add or replace lubricating oil in time.

Check the components of the braiding machine: Check each component one by one, including the braiding head, knitting needles, guide wheels, etc. Make sure they are not damaged, loose, or clogged. Clean or replace problematic parts.

Check the control system: Check the control system of the braiding machine, including sensors, electronic components, etc. Make sure they are working properly and not loose or damaged. If necessary, replace or repair faulty control systems.

2. Common faults and maintenance methods:

Shuts down or cannot start: Check whether the power connection is normal, and check whether the fuses and circuit breakers in the electrical system are normal. Replace or repair faulty components of power and electrical systems, if necessary.

Abnormal sound or vibration occurs: Check whether the transmission system is loose or worn and whether belts, chains, gears, etc. need to be replaced or repaired. At the same time, check whether the base of the braiding machine is stable and adjust or fix it if necessary.

The braiding machine produces messy knitting patterns: check whether the knitting head, knitting needles, guide wheels, etc. are loose or damaged. Clean or replace problematic parts and make sure they are installed correctly.

Frequent wire breakage: Check whether the tension control system of the braiding machine is working properly, and check whether the braided wire is correctly installed and adjusted. If necessary, adjust the tension control system or replace the braided wire.

There is an electrical failure in the braiding machine: Check whether the sensors, electronic components, etc. in the control system are working properly, and check whether the wire connections are loose or damaged. If necessary, replace or repair failed control system components.

3. Maintenance and preventive measures

Regularly clean all parts of the braiding machine, including the braiding head, braiding shaft, and knitting needles.

Regularly check the lubrication system of the braiding machine to ensure that the lubricating oil is sufficient and clean.

Regularly check the transmission system of the braiding machine to ensure that the transmission belts, chains, and gears are not loose or worn.

Train operators to become familiar with the use of braiding machines and common troubleshooting techniques.

Establish maintenance records to record maintenance and fault situations so that problems can be discovered and measures taken in a timely manner.

Troubleshooting and repair of braiding machines is key to ensuring production continuity. By following the above steps and methods, operators can quickly identify and resolve common faults. However, in order to ensure the long-term stable operation of the braiding machine, regular maintenance is also essential. Operators should follow the maintenance manual provided by the manufacturer and regularly inspect and maintain various components of the braiding machine. Only in this way can the efficient operation of the braiding machine and the stability of production quality be ensured.

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Tips for repair and maintenance of braiding machine

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