Does Viagra Make You Bigger Or Last Longer?

Viagra is an oral medication drug, typically available in the form of blue-colored pills and tablets, hence its other name given as the “blue pill” for enhanced potency. Many people may have a strange belief that taking Viagra drug can increase the size of the male penis, either tempor

Viagra Medication to Boost Sex Drive in Males

Viagra is a very popular branded pharmaceutical drug that is specifically prescribed for men with erectile dysfunction or impotence.

However, prior to this drug gaining worldwide popularity as a potent medicine, it was developed to treat other health conditions in individuals. However, its true use was later discovered in a lab by accident. Thus, from then on, Viagra has become a popular potent drug that when taken helps men achieve firm erections of the penis and last longer during sexual intercourse with a partner or spouse.

Pfizer is a pharmaceutical company that manufactures, retails, and exports Viagra medication drugs to pharmacies around the world. Viagra is made from a mixture of different chemical ingredients, and one of its essential ingredients or components is Sildenafil.

Sildenafil is a generic drug that is also used in the manufacturing of other medicines. Sildenafil belongs to the class of medicines known as ‘selective phosphodiesterase’ (PDE) type 5 inhibitors, also called PDE-5 inhibitors. This category of medication drugs is mostly prescribed by doctors and professional health practitioners to their patients who have difficulty coping with erection and premature ejaculation problems.

Viagra drug is available at pharmacies in the form of pills and tablets, and in the prescribed dose strength of 25 mg50 mg, and 100 mg, respectively. The prescribed dosage can depend on the person’s age, body weight, medical history, severity of the condition, etc.

Viagra is commonly used both as a prescription drug and an over-the-counter (OTC) pill but without a prescription from a doctor. Bear in mind, that branded medication drugs cost more than generic drugs.

Treating Erectile Dysfunction in Males with Viagra Drug

Testosterone is the sexual hormone that is present naturally in the male body. This hormone is responsible for increasing and decreasing the sexual desires or libido in men which then allows men to be aroused naturally and show interest in the sexual activity with their partner. Sometimes doctors suggest taking testosterone boosters to increase the sex drive in men.

For the Viagra drug to work as intended, after taking the pill or tablet, the person must first, be able to naturally arouse his sexual desire (libido) by invoking the testosterone (male sexual hormone). This is because Viagra is not an aphrodisiac (stimulant), thus, it cannot naturally produce sexual arousal in the person’s testosterone and into the male’s genital organ. Rather, the purpose of this medication drug is to only help increase the flow of blood from the blood vessels and allow blood to flow properly in different parts of the body, including the penis, the male genital organ. The proper flow of blood into the penis allows men to achieve firm erections and for longer, and thus, engage in a pleasurable sexual activity with a partner.

Viagra pills and tablets are created for oral consumption, for instance, one Viagra pill or tablet of either 25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg in one day and as prescribed by your doctor. It is however not advised to take more than what has been prescribed by the doctor/physician in a 24-hour period because excessive intake of the medication drug could increase the risk of adverse effects.

How Long Will the Viagra Drug’s Effect Last?

Viagra pill or tablet is typically taken at least 30 minutes or 1 hour, or perhaps, a few hours before sexual intercourse. After the oral intake of one Viagra pill or tablet in a single day, it starts to function within half an hour or in a couple of hours, depending on the person’s response to the medicine. After taking the drug orally, its effect can last up to 4 hours or even longer.

Doctors may prescribe Viagra drug to persons who are having difficulty with erections and are unable to copulate, and/or experience premature ejaculation. The dosage and duration of taking Viagra drug often varies from one person to another, taking into consideration factors such as the person’s age, weight, severity of the condition, medical history, etc.

Can Viagra Also Increase the Penis Size?

Viagra is a potent medication drug that works effectively and helps men increase the size of their penis until the efficacy of the drug lasts. As already mentioned above, Viagra drug functions by allowing blood to flow properly through the blood vessels and into the different parts of the body, including the penis. The drug regulates the flow of blood into the penis and because of this, the size of the penis also increases subsequently and makes the male genital organ look bigger than normal.

This can be beneficial for males who often feel embarrassed about their small penis size and not being able to fully enjoy getting intimate with one’s partner/spouse.

However, it is important to understand that Viagra does not make the penis increase its size permanently. The drug will only work at being effective as its dose strength allows it to be. After a few hours, the efficacy of the Viagra drug will start to diminish along with the penal erection, stamina, and libido.

In cases where most men find it difficult to copulate with their partner because of small penis size, it is advised to immediately seek medical assistance from a qualified doctor.

Side Effects of Taking Viagra Pill

Below are a few symptoms that are likely to occur in the person if Viagra drug is taken for an extended period of time:

  • Headache
  • Backache
  • Nasal congestion
  • Burning in the stomach and chest
  • Dyspepsia (indigestion)
  • Painful erections
  • Frequent and prolonged erections with or without sexual desire (priapism)
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Pain when urinating
  • Blurry vision
  • Flushing

If you start to experience one or more of these symptoms after taking Viagra for a longer duration than needed, you should immediately seek assistance from a qualified doctor in order to prevent the side effects from getting worse over time.

Wrapping Up

Viagra pill for erectile dysfunction is a very effective medication that helps men achieve and maintain lasting penal erections when engaging in sexual activity. However, it is not a drug that permanently increases the size of the male penis, rather it only allows the penis to produce a firm erection for a few hours.

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