What is the best solvent to clean a paint spray gun?

Using a paint spray gun can save you a lot of time and effort compared to using other painting methods. It can cover large areas in a short amount of time and can even produce a smooth and even finish. Keeping your paint spray gun in good shape is crucial, and a significant part of that is



Using a paint spray gun can save you a lot of time and effort compared to using other painting methods. It can cover large areas in a short amount of time and can even produce a smooth and even finish. Keeping your paint spray gun in good shape is crucial, and a significant part of that is cleaning it. Using the right cleaning solution ensures your spray gun keeps working well. Here, we will discuss the best solvents to clean your paint spray gun.


This solvent is a popular option because it dissolves dried, leftover paint in your spray gun. It is also very effective in ensuring that the inner parts of your gun are free from paint build-up. You can use regular nail polish remover instead of industrial-grade acetone.

Mineral Spirits: 

Mineral spirits are commonly used to thin oil-based paint. You can also use it to clean your paint spray gun. As it effectively dissolves oil-based paints and varnishes without leaving any residue. Mineral spirits are also great for cleaning paintbrushes and other painting tool. Making it a versatile cleaning solution to have in your cupboard.

Lacquer Thinner: 

People commonly use this solvent to clean spray guns in industrial settings. Lacquer thinner cleans spray guns with lacquer finishes and other soiled parts. But be cautious due to its strong solvent properties. They can cause skin irritation or damage if mishandled.

Denatured Alcohol: 

Denatured alcohol is a great solvent for those who want to avoid using strong chemicals to clean their paint spray gun. It is a natural solvent that can dissolve water-based paints and other residues. Denatured alcohol is safe to use with your spray gun and works well for cleaning sensitive parts.


Water is also a popular solvent choice when cleaning your paint spray gun. While water may not be as effective as other solvents in dissolving dried or oil-based paints. It can still sufficiently clean your spray gun if used regularly. Water is also safer and more readily available. It is a cost-effective solution for those who want to avoid purchasing industrial-grade solvents.

Understand how to use the solvent:

When using any of the solvents mentioned above, it is important to follow safety precautions. Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear appropriate protective gear. Read and follow the instructions on the solvent's label before use.

It is also crucial to dispose of any leftover solvent after use. Do not pour it down the drain, as it can harm the environment. Instead, consult with your local waste management agency on how to dispose of hazardous materials.

Greatest performance

Maintaining your paint spray gun is essential in ensuring its longevity and performance. By using the right solvent for cleaning, you can prevent clogs, damage. And it maintains the quality of your painting projects. Experiment with different solvents and find the best solution for you and your graco pumps.

Dispose of solvents after use

The best solvent for cleaning your paint spray gun depends on factors. These factors include the type of paint used and personal preference. Acetone and mineral spirits are great options for dissolving dried or oil-based paints. While lacquer thinner is effective for cleaning industrial-grade graco pumps. Denatured alcohol and water are gentler alternatives that can still clean your gun. Always focus on safety when selecting and using solvents and dispose of them after use. With the right cleaning routine and solvent, your paint spray gun will continue to deliver professional-looking results for years.

Tips for keeping your paint spray gun in good condition

  • Clean your spray gun after each use to prevent paint build-up.
  • Use a dedicated brush or cloth for cleaning to avoid cross-contamination of solvents.
  • Store your spray gun and solvents in a cool, dry place.
  • Check and clean the needle and nozzle for optimal performance.
  • Choosing the best solvent to clean your graco pumps is important for maintaining its functionality and prolonging its lifespan. 
  • Whether you opt for a strong industrial-grade solvent or a gentler, natural alternative. So, always focus on safety and proper disposal of solvents.
  • Remember to clean your spray gun to ensure smooth and efficient painting projects every time. 


Cleaning your paint spray gun is an essential task that you must perform to ensure its longevity and functionality. The best solvent to clean your paint spray gun depends on the type of paint and finish you are using. Acetone is the best option for dried and leftover paint. While mineral spirits or lacquer thinner are perfect for oil-based finishes. If you want a gentler solution, denatured alcohol is the way to go while water can still do a decent job at cleaning. Remember to use the appropriate safety gear when using these solvents. And always read the manufacturer’s instructions before cleaning your graco pumps.



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