What Makes Long Tail Keywords the Hidden Treasure of Google Ads?

Here, we will discuss What Makes Long Tail Keywords the Hidden Treasure of Google Ads. This article gives a better understanding of Google Ads. To learn more about Google Ads, you can join FITA Academy.

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Finding keywords is not difficult. Finding the ones who convert is the difficult part. You're always looking for tricks or hacks to make your life easier.

Bidding on long-tail keywords in your Google Ads account is one of these strategies. Long tail keywords are just more precise and lengthier keyword phrases. When people are looking for something specific, they prefer to use longer terms. As a result, they may be better at converting.

What are long tail keywords?

Long tail keywords are lengthier, more precise phrases that consumers type into search engines when looking for something. They are referred to as the "long tail" because they constitute the "tail end" of the distribution of search queries. In other words, while a small number of extremely popular phrases are frequently searched (the "head" of the distribution), the vast majority of search queries are for less popular, more particular keywords (the "tail").

The Importance of Long Tail Keywords

Let's take a closer look at why long-tail keywords are worth their weight in gold.

High Conversion Rates

The main benefit of using long tail keywords in your Google Ads campaigns is that they have a high conversion rate. These more specialized keywords tend to attract customers that have a clear objective and are further down the sales funnel. When these searchers find what they're looking for, they're more ease to convert into paying customers or leads.

Lower Cost Per Click (CPC)

Long tail keywords typically have lesser search traffic, resulting in less competition for ad places. This can lead to lower cost per click (CPC) rates, allowing you to get a greater return on investment (ROI) on your ad expenditure. Furthermore, because of their importance, these keywords frequently have better Quality Scores, which can further cut your CPC and boost ad performance. FITA Academy’s Google Adwords Online Course will help you learn effectively and get a clear understanding of the concepts and curriculum.

Targeted Traffic

Long tail keywords drive more targeted traffic to your website. Because these search queries are more focused, users who click on your advertisements are more tend to be interested in your products or services. This improves not only conversion rates but also the user experience for your website visitors.

Improved SEO

While Google Ads and SEO are not the same thing, incorporating long tail keywords in your paid advertising campaigns can help your organic search rankings. Your pages are more likely to earn social shares, backlinks, and other signals that contribute to higher search engine rankings as your website receives more focused traffic.

How to find long tail keywords

Now, We know that having long tail keywords in your account can be quite advantageous to your organization. If you're familiar with your industry, you should be able to come up with long tail keywords while building your ads. I believe everybody can think of precise sentences. The question is whether or not others look for them. This is where a variety of tools can be useful.

Use keyword research tools 

There are many keyword research tools available to assist you in finding long tail keywords. The Google Keyword Planner is a popular option. And if you use Google Ads, it's right in your account. I've also written a tutorial on how to utilize Google Keyword Planner. However, commercial tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush can provide more precise data. Here's an example from Google Keyword Planner. 

Look at your Search Console

This is where you can view your organic traffic, as well as impressions and clicks. You may examine the report by connecting it to Google Analytics. I recommend looking at the Search Console because GA does not reveal the impression of the terms your website was shown for. As a result, you will gain more knowledge. Here's a screenshot of mine. There are no single-word keywords on my blog because it caters to specialized queries or persons interested in a certain topic.

Finally, you enjoyed this blog and now understand everything about Google Ads, including What Makes Long Tail Keywords the Hidden Treasure of Google Ads. Google Ads Certification Training in Chennai will help you grasp the Google Ads concepts and learn real time applications with case studies and hands-on exercises.


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