Top 10 FAQs about UK Global Business Mobility Routes

Additionally, it opens up a brand-new pathway for foreign workers to be seconded to the UK by their foreign employer as part of a high-value contract or investment.

The Global Business Mobility visa is a new type of sponsored immigration intended for international businesses wishing to establish a presence in the UK or migrate personnel there for specific economic reasons.

The new visa effectively establishes a multi-category sponsored route to reform and enhance several current business visas, including the two types of intra-company visas, the representative of an overseas business visa, and visas for independent contractors and contractual service providers under the Temporary Work - International Agreement route.

Here are the top 10 FAQs about the UK Global Business Mobility routes:

1. Who may submit a Global Business Mobility visa UK application?

The Global Business Mobility visa is intended for individuals who are employed by an overseas company that is connected to their UK sponsor, including senior or specialist employees, graduate trainees, and expansion workers, as well as service providers, independent professionals, and secondment employees.

2. What qualifications are needed to enter the Senior or Specialist Worker route?

For senior managers and experts who have been assigned to a UK company that is affiliated with their employer abroad and who want to work in the UK for a certain amount of time, there is a path called Senior or Specialist Worker. This path replaced the previous Intra-Company Transfer technique.

To be eligible for this path, an applicant must fulfil the following requirements:

  • They must be employed by the sponsor organisation and have worked for that organisation for a total of at least 12 months outside of the UK unless they will be working in the UK as a high earner with a gross salary of £73,900 per year or more.
  • The applicant must possess a current Certificate of Sponsorship for the post they are applying for, which must be issued by an employer who has paid the full Immigration Skills Charge and has been approved by the UK Home Office to sponsor a Senior or
  • Specialist Worker. The applicant needs sponsorship for authorised work that pays at least £42,400 a year or the "going rate" for that position.


3. Which visa route took the place of the Overseas Business Representative Visa?

The Representative of an Overseas Business route was superseded by the UK Expansion Worker route, and it is exclusively available to businesses that have not yet begun doing business in the UK. The UK Development Worker route is for foreign workers who are either senior management or specialised staff who are being sent to the UK to aid in the company's expansion and who wish to work there temporarily. If the organisation is already established in the UK, candidates should submit their applications through the Senior or Specialist Worker route.

4. How can I become a graduate trainee?

The Graduate Trainee route is for foreign employees who are required to do a work placement in the UK by their company and are engaged in a graduate training programme leading to senior management or a speciality job. This path replaced the Intra-Company Graduate Trainee route.


5. What is the Secondment Worker route?

Foreign workers who are being seconded to the UK as part of a high-value contract or investment by their overseas employer are eligible to apply via the Secondment Worker method.


To be eligible for this path, an applicant must fulfil the following requirements:

  • The candidate must be actively employed by a foreign firm that has a contract with their UK sponsor that has been registered with the Home Office and has worked for that firm for at least a year outside of the UK.
  • The applicant must possess a current Certificate of Sponsorship for the position they are applying for, which must be issued by an employer who is qualified to sponsor a Secondment Worker under UK Home Office policy and who has a registered contract with the foreign employer where the applicant will work.
  • He or she needs sponsorship for a job that qualifies and calls for at least a basic level of skill.


6. Do I require a sponsor licence to get a visa for global business mobility?

The Global Business Mobility visa is a sponsored route with five distinct subcategories. To be eligible for any of them, the applicant must have a current Certificate of Sponsorship from a business recognised by the Home Office as being qualified to sponsor that particular category of employee.

7. How long can migrant workers stay in the UK under the Senior or Specialist Worker route?

If the applicant is accepted under the Senior or Specialist Worker route, they will be allowed to remain in the UK for either five years following the start date of the job listed in the Certificate of Sponsorship, fourteen days following the end date of this job, or until they have received cumulative permission under the Global Business Mobility and Intra-Company routes totalling five years in any six years, or nine years in any ten years if applying as a Senior or Specialist Worker.


8. What conditions must be met to be eligible for the Service Provider route?


Contract service providers employed by foreign employers, as well as independent professionals working for themselves and living abroad, who desire to work temporarily in the UK to perform services covered by a UK trade agreement.


To be eligible for this path, an applicant must fulfil the following requirements:

  • The applicant must have worked in that capacity for a total of 12 months outside the UK and be engaged by or for an overseas service provider that will deliver services to their UK sponsor.
  • The candidate must be sponsored for a position that qualifies and has a minimum skill level of at least a university degree or an equivalent combination of technical training and experience, or both.
  • The applicant must possess a current Certificate of Sponsorship for the position they are looking for, which must be given by an employer who is qualified to sponsor a service supplier and who has a registered contract with an international service provider through the UK Home Office.
  • He or she must meet the qualifications for nationality to be a Service Supplier.


9. Can a Global Business Mobility visa be used to bring dependents to the UK?

A partner and any dependant children are welcome to join or accompany applicants with a Global Business Mobility visa. The primary visa holder's spouse or partner must meet several eligibility standards, including a relationship and financial criterion, to be eligible to enter the UK through this route. Any candidate who is planning to bring their children to the UK must additionally meet extra standards for care and age.

10. What qualifications must one meet to be eligible for the Graduate Trainee route?

To be eligible for this path, an applicant must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Must be working for the sponsoring company at the time of application and have done so for at least three months before the application deadline if not already employed by it.
  • The candidate must have sponsorship for a position that qualifies and pays at least £23,100 per year, or whatever the "going rate" is for the post. As part of a planned graduate training programme, they should also have a clearly defined path toward a management or specialised role within the sponsor organisation.
  • The applicant must also possess a current Certificate of Sponsorship for the post they are asking for, which must be issued by an employer who has been permitted by the UK Home Office to sponsor a Graduate Trainee.


If you require assistance comprehending or applying for the UK Global Business Mobility pathways, get in touch with A Y J Solicitors. Our skilled immigration attorneys strive to give our clients the most support and help possible. Customer satisfaction is our number one goal. You can write for us lawyer


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