The Art of Cultivating Magic Mushrooms at Home

No matter the method you choose, operating in a sterile environment is key to your success and this should be fairly simple to accomplish.



Mushrooms may seem resilient, but they actually require an environment with very few contaminants to thrive. Their nutrients compete for attention with all sorts of other life forms in their substrate, so any contamination could spell disaster for their cultivation. Grow kits provide quick and easy ways to grow mushrooms; more involved approaches also yield good returns if you have enough space and time.

This book is unique because it specializes exclusively in Psilocybe cubensis mushroom cultivation and provides an in-depth introduction. Additionally, cultivation methods are covered as well as expert tips and troubleshooting advice for common issues.

The PF tek method described in this book is ideal for beginners looking to try their hand at growing mushrooms without using an intensive kit. This relatively straightforward process involves inoculating vermiculite or brown rice flour in jars with mycelium from other sources and placing them at cool temperatures until mycelium colonisation begins; then sterilizing these containers using either a pressure cooker or cooking pot in order to prevent contaminants from infiltrating and invading colonies.


Psilocybin mushrooms, commonly referred to as magic mushrooms, are naturally occurring fungi containing hallucinogenic substances used for spiritual and personal development, healing, as well as visionary drugs (entheogens). While they're difficult to come across growing wild, you can cultivate your own at home.

This book presents four focus species (amanita muscaria, oyster mushrooms, lion's mane mushrooms and maitake mushrooms) along with their biology, human uses and cultivation methods. Chapter two provides an introduction to mushroom growing, outlining key strategies to maintain mycelium health without contamination issues.

For beginners who do not wish to invest in a grow kit, the PF Tek method of growing magic mushrooms provides an excellent introduction into home cultivating. It is quick, reliable, and delivers outstanding results; while its instructions contain minor errors like misdescribing flow hoods as "hoods" or listing ingredients by volume instead. But these should not detract from its overall usefulness.


Humans have long used entheogenic plants and fungi for spirituality, divination, healing, and personal growth - mushroom cultivation at home has never been simpler!

Before inoculating (planting mushroom spores into) their substrate, beginner mushroom growers must learn how to thoroughly sterilize it first. Without sterilization, mushroom spores would compete with bacteria and mold for nutrients in the substrate, weakening and decreasing their chances of growing. A laminar flow hood provides the ideal way for sterilization.

Once sterilized jars have been inoculated with cultures produced from clean spore prints or spore syringes, mycelium cultures may be injected directly into them using spraying/misting or injecting with sterile water using a syringe/needle combination. Once mycelium grows into a thick mat it may be transferred to a grow bag filled with sterilized pelletized hardwood chips, wheat bran, coffee grounds, soybean hulls, alfalfa pellets/vermiculite. Hydration measures may include spraying/misting substrate block surface or injecting sterile water through needle/syringe into its center using syringe/needle combination.


Hoodie Tek mushroom cultivation technique has taken the world by storm. Its revolutionary approach to mushroom growing is easy and discreet, suitable for virtually all mushroom species and requires virtually no upkeep until harvest time. People looking for magic mushrooms without much time, effort or prior experience now have an option that could revolutionise home cultivation efforts!

Step one is obtaining your desired mycelium (spawn), whether from spore prints, cloned cultures or PF tek cakes. Next up will be procuring bulk substrate - typically consisting of sterilized vermiculite treated (pasteurized, sterilized, lime bath, peroxide bath or "cold fermentation") to remove contaminants and prepare it for inoculation.

Part two of this book guides readers through the basics of this technique, while Pressure Cookers and Flow Hoods; Grain Spawn; Casings; Liquid Cultures and Working with Logs are just a few examples of self-explanatory chapter titles in Part two of the book.

Ann Lee

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