Top 9 VR Movies So Far: Here’s How To Watch Them

Are you looking for the best VR movies that you can watch in 2023? Well, we have you covered! Here are some of the movies that are…

In a world increasingly driven by technology, virtual reality has become a revolutionary force in the entertainment industry. As VR technology continues to advance, filmmakers are embracing its immersive capabilities to create mind-bending experiences that blur the line between reality and fiction.

In this article, we'll explore the nine best VR movies to date and where you can watch them, offering you a glimpse into the future of cinematic storytelling. So, keep reading this article till the end…

Best VR Movies To Watch!

The world of VR movies is evolving rapidly, offering unique and captivating storytelling experiences that bring cinema to life in a whole new way. Whether you're looking for heartwarming tales, dark fantasies, or educational adventures, there's a VR movie for every taste.

With VR technology continually advancing, we can expect even more groundbreaking content in the future.

So, put on your headset, dive into these cinematic worlds, and get ready for the future of entertainment.

Here are the best VR movies that you can watch:

1. Henry  

This one is a heartwarming and visually stunning VR movie that is created by Oculus Story Studio. This movie tells the story of a lovable hedgehog who wants to make friends but has a prickly problem. The film immerses you in Henry's charming world, making it perfect for family viewing. To watch Henry, you'll need an Oculus Rift headset.

2. Dear Angelica  

Oculus Story Studio strikes again with Dear Angelica, a mesmerizing VR experience. This movie is an emotional journey through the memories of a young woman as she reflects on her relationship with her movie star mother. To watch Dear Angelica, you can use the Oculus Rift or the Oculus Quest headset.

3. Gloomy Eyes  

Gloomy Eyes is a beautifully crafted animated VR series that transports you to a world where zombies and humans coexist. Narrated by none other than Colin Farrell, this immersive experience is a must-see for those who appreciate dark fantasy with a touch of romance. You can watch Gloomy Eyes on platforms like UWatchMovies website, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, or HTC Vive.

4. Beat Saber: Origins  

If you're a fan of the popular rhythm-based VR game Beat Saber, you'll love Beat Saber: Origins. This cinematic experience delves into the lore of the game and provides an immersive backstory to the lightsaber-wielding world. To enjoy this VR movie, you'll need Beat Saber on platforms such as Oculus Quest, PlayStation VR, or SteamVR.

5. Spheres  

Spheres is an educational yet mesmerizing VR movie that takes you on a journey through the cosmos, exploring black holes and the birth of stars. Narrated by Jessica Chastain, this experience offers a captivating blend of science and storytelling. You can watch Spheres using the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, or PlayStation VR.

6. The Line  

The Line is a short but powerful VR movie that tells a harrowing story about a father and daughter's journey to escape an oppressive regime. It combines impressive visuals with a gripping narrative, delivering an emotional punch. To watch The Line, you'll need an Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, or PlayStation VR.

7. Gnomes Goblins  

If you've ever dreamt of immersing yourself in a magical world, Gnomes Goblins is the VR movie for you. Created by Jon Favreau, this enchanting experience lets you interact with whimsical creatures and explore a mystical forest. To watch Gnomes Goblins, you can use platforms like Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, or SteamVR.

8. Doctor Who: The Runaway  

Whovians, rejoice! Doctor Who: The Runaway is a thrilling VR adventure that lets you join the Doctor in the TARDIS and embark on a time-traveling journey. This interactive episode provides a unique opportunity to be part of the Doctor Who universe. To watch Doctor Who: The Runaway, you'll need a compatible VR headset and the BBC VR app.

9. Bonfire  

Bonfire is a quirky and entertaining VR movie that transports you to an alien planet where you must find your way home. The film is brimming with humor and charm, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a light-hearted adventure. You can watch Bonfire using platforms like Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, or HTC Vive.

Wrapping Up!  

Now that you know the best VR movies available, you might wonder where to watch them. The viewing experience largely depends on the VR headset you own, but many of these movies are accessible on popular VR platforms like Oculus, PlayStation VR, and SteamVR. Make sure to check the compatibility with your specific headset to enjoy these immersive films.



Miranda Shaffer is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Miranda Shaffer is associated with The Global Magazine.

Miranda Shaffer

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