Not helping is that the reversed Star

Please look forward to Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen: Return to the Remade Magical Mystery Mall!

Punished Nietzsche asks: Will they announce a remake of a PS1 era game?

Cards drawn: Reverse Moon, Reverse Star, Reverse Emperor

Whispering Willow: Again with the reversing! I swear I'm not doing that on purpose!

Anyway, your request has been heard by the reversed Moon.

A PS1 classic will be reborn — Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen: Magical Mystery Mall!

Look, the reverse Moon means well. It's like when you asked your grandmother for a toy Pokéball and she gives you a polka dot shawl.

Not helping is that the reversed Star was also inattentive regarding the errand the reversed Moon gave it. They just went to a yard sale, picked up an old PS1 game at random, and brought it back to Playstation, where Jim Ryan has his finger on the very pulse of gamers. He insists they crave more Olsen Twin games. Being the reverse Emperor he is, that's just how it's going to be.

The Three of Cups nods in agreement with all this and posts on Twitter that these are squad goals POE currency trade . Please look forward to Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen: Return to the Remade Magical Mystery Mall!

Zalno asks: Will Capcom ever re-release the original Viewtiful Joe games in HD this decade?

Pokémon paired: Garbodor (V), Porygon2 (II)

Occams: Garbodor sounds like it’s having an argument with itself over something that happened a decade ago. Like it’s cataloged all the responses it should have said but didn’t at the time. Porygon2 sounds like it’s the other person from the argument Garbodor is thinking about and Porygon2 just rocked them with a comeback. Obsessing over something from a decade ago, dragging yourself through the mental mud is rarely productive. A Viewtiful Joe HD release is unlikely but hope springs eternal.

Parisimo urges: Deep Down when Capcom!

Cards drawn: High Priestess, The Hermit, Judgement

Whispering Willow: The reversed High Priestess says Capcom forgot where they put Deep Down. Like, just literally forgot. It's there somewhere. They just had it in their hands a few minutes ago and then The Hermit called and said they should just keep making games like they did on PS2 since that has really worked well for them lately. Maybe Okami, pretty please?

And Capcom is all like Yeah, and maybe Dino Crisis should be a thing again Path of exile currency .

Then Judgement rings the doorbell and is all like, ‘Y'all should really do some more Switch releases. Proper ones. Not this half-on-cheap-cartridge, the rest as a download stuff. And really, another Dragons' Dogma would be nice.'

And Capcom is like, Yeah, and maybe it's time we listen to reverse Hierophant and make that our soulslike.

And then when Capcom hangs up with Hermit and reversed Judgement goes home, they forgot where they left Deep Down. Was it on the kitchen counter? Maybe next to the alarm clock. They were just holding it


136 Blog Mensajes
