Facebook Likes or Follows: Which is More Important?

Absolutely! Have you ever observed that Facebook maintains a tally of likes and a count of followers on your business page? Yes? Well,

Absolutely! Have you ever observed that Facebook maintains a tally of likes and a count of followers on your business page? Yes? Well, we noticed it too, and so we embarked on a journey to unveil the difference between the two. Interested in boosting your Facebook likes? Check out services that offer "buy real Facebook likes."

Facebook likes vs. follows

When someone, be it a personal Facebook account or another business account, "likes" your business page on Facebook, it signifies that they automatically default to following it as well.

When your Facebook business page is followed, any content you post will be visible to those followers on their personal Facebook feeds. Now, here's the catch: A user who has liked your Facebook business page can opt to "unfollow" the page. But, no need to fret, because an "unfollow" is not the same as an "unlike."

Unfollows are not unlikes

Let's break it down: when you "friend" someone on a personal Facebook account, and later get bothered by their daily lunch updates and unsolicited political views, you can opt to unfollow them while still being friends. Unfollowing means their posts won't show up on your feed. (What a relief.)

This same idea holds when someone unfollows a Facebook business page. Anyone who has liked your page can decide to unfollow you while still "liking" the page. In simple terms, your page will still record the likes, but the account won't see the content your business posts in their feed.

What does this mean for my business?

If your page boasts more likes than follows, it indicates that a considerable number of your followers have chosen not to see your posts. In this scenario, it's crucial to assess the content you're creating to pinpoint the reason for this drop in follows. It's quite simple for someone who has liked your page to alter their following status.

User choices for viewing your business content

Users, whether on personal or business Facebook accounts, hold the power to decide whether they want to see your content in their feeds and how frequently. They can opt:

  1. to see your posts at the top of their feed
  2. to view your posts in real time as they naturally appear
  3. to unfollow you and not see your posts at all.

Accounts that have liked your page also possess the option to completely turn off notifications for your page, which, of course, isn't ideal. Hence, being mindful of how your "likes" align with your "follows" can be a valuable tool. This awareness enables you to assess the effectiveness of your content. Check your like-to-follow ratio and make adjustments accordingly.

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