How to cancel Ryanair flight within 24 hours

Remember to review Ryanair's cancellation policy, gather your booking information, and check your confirmation email after cancellation for any updates or refund details.

How to cancel Ryanair flight within 24 hours? Ryanair is one of the popular low-cost airlines that operates flights across Europe and other destinations. However, sometimes travel plans change, and you may need to cancel your Ryanair flight within 24 hours of booking. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to cancel a Ryanair flight within 24 hours.

Step 1: Check Ryanair's Cancellation Policy Before you proceed with canceling your Ryanair flight, it's important to review their cancellation policy. Ryanair's cancellation policy may vary depending on the type of fare you booked, and it's always recommended to check their website or contact their customer service for the most up-to-date information. Typically, Ryanair allows free cancellations within 24 hours of booking for flights that are more than 7 days away from the departure date.

Step 2: Gather Your Booking Information To cancel your Ryanair flight, you'll need to have your booking information handy. This includes your booking reference number, which can be found in your booking confirmation email or on your itinerary. Having this information readily available will make the cancellation process smoother and faster.

Step 3: Log in to Your Ryanair Account If you booked your Ryanair flight through their website or mobile app and created an account, log in to your account using your email address and password. If you did not create an account, you can still cancel your flight by following the instructions for "Manage Booking" on the Ryanair website.

Step 4: Access Your Booking Once you're logged in, go to the "Manage Booking" section on the Ryanair website. Enter your booking reference number and the email address associated with the booking. Click on the "Manage Booking" button to access your booking details.

Step 5: Select the Flight to Cancel In the "Manage Booking" section, you'll see the details of your booked flight. Review the information to ensure that you're canceling the correct flight. If you have multiple flights booked, select the flight that you want to cancel.

Step 6: Confirm Cancellation After selecting the flight you want to cancel, Ryanair will provide you with the option to cancel the flight. Review the cancellation details, including any fees or refunds that may apply, and click on the "Cancel Flight" or "Cancel Booking" button to confirm the cancellation.

Step 7: Follow Refund Process If you're eligible for a refund according to Ryanair's cancellation policy, the refund process will be initiated. Ryanair will typically refund the amount paid for the flight minus any applicable fees back to the original form of payment. The refund processing time may vary depending on your payment method and the specific circumstances of your booking.

Step 8: Check Confirmation Once you've completed the cancellation process, Ryanair will send you a confirmation email with the details of the cancellation. Make sure to check your inbox, including your spam folder, for this confirmation email. Keep this email for your records, as it serves as proof of your cancellation.

It's important to note that Ryanair's cancellation policy may change over time, and it's always best to review their website or contact their customer service for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, if you booked your Ryanair flight through a third-party travel agency or website, you may need to follow their cancellation process, which could be different from Ryanair's policy.

In conclusion, canceling a Ryanair flight within 24 hours of booking can be done online through their website or mobile app, by logging in to your account, accessing your booking, and following the cancellation process. Remember to review Ryanair's cancellation policy, gather your booking information, and check your confirmation email after cancellation for any updates or refund details.


daisy robert

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