Why IELTS is the most preferred Test?

There are a lot of booking centres as well because they authorize the Top IELTS coaching centre in Chandigarh to book the test for the aspirants.

English is a global language in the modern time and is much needed in every sector currently, which is why there is a lot of emphasis on learning English. It increases the opportunities for students or professionals as it allows one to interact with the people of different countries using the common language – English. It has helped to reduce the language barrier between the nations thereby promoting growth and prosperity by facilitating exchange of skills and knowledge. Knowing English also permits one to get educated in English speaking developed nation or get employed there to have a better life because you need to have a certain level in the local language to be able to excel in anything you do in a foreign land.

Besides that, it leads to prevention of any kinds of conflicts or misunderstandings between the locals and foreigners due to the improper or inappropriate use of a language which is needed to have better experience in a new country.

Out of all the available proficiency tests of English, IELTS is the first preference of all the aspirants due to the following reasons:

Highest number of test centres in the World: There is highest number of test centres available for IELTS test throughout almost 140 countries which allows the test takers to find one near them to take the test easily. As there are three test conducting bodies for the IELTS exam – British Council, IDP Australia and Cambridge English Assessment, it is possible for them to have so many examination centres catering to the large number of people. In India at present only IDP is conducting the exam.

Both the modes are available for the test: In the present time one can take the CD-IELTS or the Paper based IELTS so that one can opt for the most suitable one as per their choice, though for both they need to visit the examination centre and take the test in presence of the invigilators. There are a lot of booking centres as well because they authorize the Top IELTS coaching centre in Chandigarh to book the test for the aspirants.

More options to choose from: As it is recognized and accepted by more than 12000 firms, organizations and educational institutes there are ample of opportunities for students to pursue their higher education and for working professionals to have a fruitful career. If you have taken IELTS test then the door of opportunities opens up for you making you choose from the big lot. 

Better Prospects for Education and Work: The great band score in the IELTS exam leads you to have better options for yourself. If you have 7 or above band score then you get the acceptance letter from all the reputed and renowned universities if you are a student. It also lets you get employment in great organizations with good profile and handsome salary.

Considers the Subjective Nature of the Language: Language is not an objective subject and cannot be scored in black and white. As language is subjective, the responses and answers are subjective to the test takers opinion and way of expression. People have their own way of expressing things and two people usually express the same thing in two completely different ways. That is why it is necessary to consider the human factor here and IELTS test conducting body understands it quite well. That is the reason the tests are corrected by the human examiners who assess the tasks as per the correct use of language. This is not possible in case of computerized corrections. Even in case of the Computer delivered IELTS, the corrections are similar to the Paper based test.

Separate Tests for Each Module: Unlike rest of the tests, all of the four modules are tested separately and not in one test. This helps one to have a clear mind while taking the test. The test papers are different for all the modules and taken one by one. Reading, Listening and Writing tests are taken on the same day while the Speaking test happens either 3-4 days before or after the other modules.

Highest number of coaching centres available: Due to the huge number of aspirants for the test, there are many institutes or coaching centres which prepare students to clear the test with the desired band score. This is also one reason why people choose to take this exam because they can get the coaching easily. In India there are many IELTS coaching centres but the maximum are best IELTS coaching centres in Chandigarh city.

Raj Sharma

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