Key Features and Properties of ASME SA 516 GR.70 Plates

ASME SA 516 GR.70 plates hold a significant position in the realm of pressure vessel and boiler manufacturing. These plates are engineered to withstand high temperatures and pressure, making them indispensable in various industrial applications. In this blog, we will delve into the key fea

High Tensile Strength:

ASME SA 516 GR.70 plates are renowned for their exceptional tensile strength, making them suitable for applications where strength and durability are paramount. This attribute ensures the plates can withstand extreme conditions without compromising structural integrity.

Excellent Corrosion Resistance:

The plates exhibit outstanding corrosion resistance, a crucial characteristic for materials exposed to harsh environments. This resistance helps in maintaining the longevity of the plates, even in corrosive surroundings, ensuring a longer service life.

Versatility in Temperature Range:

SA 516 GR.70 plates are designed to perform under a wide range of temperatures, making them ideal for applications in varying industrial processes. Their ability to maintain structural integrity at elevated temperatures is a key factor in their popularity.

Formability and Weldability:

These plates offer excellent formability and weldability, allowing for easy fabrication according to specific project requirements. The plates can be molded and shaped without compromising their structural strength, making them versatile for different manufacturing processes.

Pressure Vessel Quality:

SA 516 GR.70 plates are classified as pressure vessel quality steel, meeting stringent industry standards for pressure vessel applications. This classification ensures that the plates are manufactured to withstand the rigorous demands of pressure vessels and boilers.

Uniform Thickness and Surface Finish:

The plates exhibit uniform thickness and a smooth surface finish, ensuring consistent performance across the entire surface. This characteristic is crucial in applications where precision and even distribution of stress are critical factors.

Impact Resistance:

Another noteworthy feature is the high impact resistance of SA 516 GR.70 plates. This property is crucial in applications where the plates may be subjected to sudden impact or dynamic loads, ensuring they can withstand such forces without failure.

Compliance with ASME Standards:

ASME SA 516 GR.70 plates strictly adhere to the standards set by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This compliance guarantees that the plates meet the necessary safety and quality requirements for use in critical applications.


In conclusion, the ASME SA 516 GR.70 plates stand out as a reliable and robust choice for industries requiring materials with high tensile strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility across various temperature ranges. Their adherence to stringent standards, coupled with excellent formability and weldability, makes them an integral component in the fabrication of pressure vessels and boilers. The Sa 516 Gr.70 plates' remarkable features position them as a cornerstone in ensuring safety and efficiency in diverse industrial applications.


Samrita Shah

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