How to Get MEA Attestation in Ahmedabad

MEA attestation, or Ministry of External Affairs attestation, is a crucial step in the document legalization

MEA attestation, or Ministry of External Affairs attestation, is a crucial step in the document legalization process for individuals planning to move abroad, particularly to countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others. Ahmedabad, one of the major cities in India, is home to many individuals seeking MEA attestation for various purposes such as employment, education, business, or immigration. This guide aims to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of how to obtain MEA attestation in Ahmedabad.

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining MEA Attestation in Ahmedabad

Step 1: Pre-Attestation Procedures

Before approaching the Ministry of External Affairs for attestation, your documents must undergo pre-attestation procedures. These typically include:

  1. Notary Public Attestation: Begin by getting your documents attested by a Notary Public. This attestation confirms the authenticity of the content in your documents.
  2. Home Department Attestation: Certain documents may require attestation from the Home Department of the respective state. For example, educational documents may need authentication from the State Education Department.
  3. Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Attestation: Some documents, particularly personal documents like birth certificates and marriage certificates, may need attestation from the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) in your district.

Step 2: Regional Authentication Center (RAC) Attestation

Once your documents have been pre-attested, they need to be submitted to the Regional Authentication Center (RAC) located in the respective state capital. In Ahmedabad, the RAC office is located in Gandhinagar, the capital city of Gujarat. The RAC verifies the authenticity of the documents and affixes their stamp or seal.

Step 3: Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Attestation

After obtaining RAC attestation, the next step is to submit your documents to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) for final attestation.


MEA attestation is a crucial step in the document legalization process for individuals seeking to use their documents abroad. By following the steps outlined in this guide and being mindful of the requirements and procedures, you can obtain MEA attestation in Ahmedabad by using Superb Enterprises services in Ahmedabad.

SEPL Ahmedabad

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