Mastering The Puzzle in Suika Game

The Suika Game is an intriguing puzzle game that challenges players to create new fruits by combining identical ones.

With careful planning and strategic moves, players can maximize their points while managing the limited space in the container. This essay will explore the mechanics of the suika game, provide tips for successful gameplay, and address common questions about the game's accessibility for children.

I. Creating New Fruits in the Suika Game

In the Suika Game, the objective is to merge identical fruits to generate new varieties. The size of the resulting fruit is always larger than its predecessors. However, for two fruits to merge, they must come into contact or collide with each other. The key aspect of merging is the distance between the fruits. Players are tasked with dropping given fruits into suitable positions to facilitate mergers. It is important to note that fruits of different sizes can sometimes complicate the merging process.

II. Dropping Fruits and Managing the Container

The game presents players with a transparent container where the fruits are dropped. The primary goal is to create more space within the container by merging existing fruits. However, the capacity of the container is limited, and larger fruits occupy more room. Consequently, players must strive to reduce the number of fruits in the container. Effective gameplay requires observation of the fruit type, followed by careful selection of an appropriate location for dropping the fruit. Since the game is not time-limited, players have ample time to strategize and plan their moves.

III. Tips for Successful Gameplay:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Fruits: The Suika Game features 11 different types of fruits, including cherry, grape, strawberry, orange, apple, pear, dekopon, peach, pineapple, melon, and watermelon. Understanding the characteristics of each fruit is crucial for making informed decisions during gameplay.

  2. Think Strategically: Randomly placing fruits in the container is not advisable. Given the limited space, merging as many fruits as possible is essential. Since fruits cannot be moved once placed, players must carefully predict the outcomes of their actions when dropping a fruit. Additionally, paying attention to the movements of fruits in the container can be beneficial, especially for round-shaped fruits that tend to roll upon impact.

  3. Avoid Touching the Top Line: Allowing a fruit to touch the top line of the container will result in an immediate game over. To prolong the game and achieve higher scores, players should maintain distance between the fruits and the top line. Success in this mission contributes to securing a spot on the game's leaderboard.

IV. Accessibility for Children

The Suika Game is suitable for children due to its colorful graphics and straightforward gameplay. Its simplicity makes it enjoyable for young players, whether they are at home or school. The game's vibrant visuals and engaging mechanics provide an entertaining experience that can captivate children's attention.


The Suika Game offers a unique and challenging puzzle experience centered around creating new fruits through strategic merging. By understanding the game's mechanics, employing thoughtful strategies, and avoiding the top line, players can succeed in this endless game. Whether played by children or adults, the Suika Game provides an opportunity for enjoyment, creativity, and competition. So, gather your fruits, plan your moves, and embark on a fruitful journey in the exciting world of the Suika Game.

Willis Reid

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