Basic window cleaning techniques: best practices

Clean windows are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also important for the health and comfort of your homes

Clean windows are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also important for the health and comfort of your homes. As Marcel Proust said, "It is better to see beauty in the smallest things than to be blind to the grandest." Clear windows provide a clear view of the outside world and allow more light into your home.

Choosing the right tools

  1. Soft cloths or sponges : Use soft cloths to prevent scratches.
  2. Window scraper : This is the ideal tool for removing more difficult stains.
  3. Cleaning solution : Special window cleaners or a solution of vinegar and water.
  4. Telescopic brush or mop : Helps clean hard-to-reach areas.

Steps for washing windows

  1. Preparation : Remove dust and dirt from shutters and frames before wet cleaning.
  2. Cleaning : Use a cleaning solution and a cloth or sponge to clean the glass.
  3. Scraper for tough stains : Gently remove old stains or scale with a scraper.
  4. Wiping and Polishing : Use a dry cloth or newspaper to polish the windows to a shine.

Order window cleaning services on MDS

MDS professionals , you not only get shiny windows, but also save your time and effort. Ordering a service on the MDS website is convenient, fast and efficient. The team uses professional equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products to keep your windows sparkling clean.

Window cleaning is an integral part of your home care. "Cleanliness is harmony, and harmony is the basis for beautiful and healthy living," a well-known interior designer could say. When you turn to MDS for services , you not only get clean and transparent windows, but also bring more light, joy and comfort into your home.


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