Tips to Help When Instagram Blocking Liking

We’ll explain why it happens, the best steps to take when it does, and how to avoid being blocked liking on Instagram in the future.

Instagram can block likings from time to time, but you don’t have to let it ruin your day.

Whether you’re trying to post a comment or like a photo, getting blocked by Instagram can be a frustrating experience. But with the right troubleshooting tips, you can get back up and running in no time.

In this blog post, we’ll provide some useful tips on what to do when Instagram temporarily blocks liking. We’ll explain why it happens, the best steps to take when it does, and how to avoid being blocked in the future.

No matter what happened or why it happened, these troubleshooting tips will help make sure you’re able to like posts again quickly and easily so that your interaction on Instagram isn't disrupted.

Related: Click Here

Reasons Why Instagram May Block Liking

On occasion, Instagram may temporarily prevent you from liking posts. This can be incredibly frustrating – you have something to say and you can’t. But have no fear, there are ways to troubleshoot this issue and get back to liking posts on Instagram in no time.

The reasons why Instagram might temporarily block your ability to like posts are varied:

  • You or another user was reported too much in a 24-hour period;
  • You were automatically flagged due to suspicious activity;
  • You were blocked by the account owner; or
  • Your account is too new and needs more development before being able to use certain features.

Although the exact cause isn’t entirely known, it is important to approach solving this issue with a few steps that should help restore your ability to like posts.

How to Check if Your Account Is Blocked From Liking?

If you've been blocked from liking on Instagram, don't worry—you're not alone. Instagram has implemented automated systems to detect and shut down any accounts that are abusing the platform's rules and regulations.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to find out if your account is blocked from liking:

  • Check your recent activity. Take a look at your recent posts and interactions with other users. If you aren’t able to like any of your own posts or posts by other users, then it’s likely that your account has been temporarily blocked from liking.
  • Check if anyone else is having the same issue. If other people in your network also appear to be blocked from liking, then it could mean that Instagram has temporarily blocked all accounts in a certain IP address range—which could indicate a possible network issue instead of an individual account issue.
  • Try clearing your browser’s data cache, cookies, and browser history. Sometimes this can help fix a temporary block on any sort of web activity—including liking posts on Instagram.

Ultimately, if you’ve determined that it is indeed your account that is being blocked from liking on Instagram, the best course of action is usually to simply wait it out until the block is lifted.

Tips on How to Fix Instagram Blocking Liking

It's frustrating when you're in the middle of liking your favorite posts and Instagram suddenly tells you that you're blocked from liking. But don't despair—there are a few troubleshooting tips to help get you back to your liking spree in no time:

Log Out and Log Back In

Sometimes, logging out of Instagram and then logging back in can reset the app so you can continue liking. Make sure to log out of all devices where you logged into your Instagram account, and then log back in on each one. This simple step may be enough to fix the issue.

Restart Your Device

If logging out and back in doesn't work, try restarting your device. This refreshes the device’s memory, which can help remove any temporary blocks or bugs.

Check Your Connection

It's possible that slow or spotty internet could cause issues with your device's ability to "like" posts on Instagram. Try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network or increase your signal strength before attempting to like again.

Following these troubleshooting tips can help resolve any problems you might have when Instagram is blocking likes temporarily—so you can get back to stalking those puppy accounts without delay!

How to Avoid Getting Instagram Temporarily Block Liking in the Future?

Instagram makes sure that no one user is taking up too much of its resources by limiting the number of likes one user can make in an hour or a day. But there are things you can do to avoid getting your liking temporarily blocked by Instagram.

Take it Slow

The most important thing to keep in mind is to like posts at a reasonable rate. Don’t be tempted to click the “like” button on every post you see - take the time to read each post and decide whether or not it’s something you genuinely appreciate before “liking” it.

Not only will this help you avoid consequences from Instagram, but it will also help you get more out of the platform by connecting with people whose content genuinely resonates with you.

Engage Manually

Using automated services to automatically “like” posts is a surefire way to get banned from Instagram, so don’t do it! To ensure your engagement isn't flagged as suspicious, make sure all of your “likes” are done manually and not through any automated service.

Don’t Like Too Much

It's also important to be aware of how much you like per hour and per day. Too much activity in too short a span could alert Instagram that something fishy is going on, and result in temporary or even permanent suspension from the platform.

Limiting yourself to 30-50 likes per hour should keep your account safe from being blocked by Instagram's algorithms.

Alternative Solutions to Get Post-Engagement Without Liking

If Instagram has temporarily blocked liking on your account, there are a few things you can do to continue to engage with your followers and get post engagement.


Commenting is a great way to make sure your followers know you're still actively engaging with them. You can respond to their comments, ask questions, or just let them know that you appreciate their support.

Plus, commenting is the next best thing to liking and is sure to get noticed by those following your account.

Engaging in Discussions

Another great way to engage with your followers without having to like posts is by starting conversations and participating in discussions in the comment section of posts.

This will not only help you build community but also boost engagement on those posts, which will be beneficial for the accounts involved.

Shoutouts Mentions

Giving shoutouts or mentions can be an effective way of increasing followers and engagement on your posts without liking them directly.

You can share content from other accounts or tag them in yours as a means of showing appreciation for their content and getting more eyes on yours in return.


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