Keeping pace with the latest trends: the best cosmetology schools in the US

Stay ahead in the beauty industry by attending one of the top cosmetology schools in the US. Discover cutting-edge techniques and trends while honing your skills with industry experts. Find your path to success in this dynamic field by enrolling in one of these prestigious institutions.

Whether you’re a high school graduate looking for career options, or someone who just decided it’s time for a career change, the beauty industry might pop up as one of your options. A creative field with a lot to learn and lots of potential for growth, cosmetology can become a fruitful, lifelong career you enjoy. But what are the steps to becoming a cosmetologist? You will need to focus on your technical skills, business skills, and creativity, but first and foremost, you need to know what schooling options are out there. And guess what? This article is about to cover exactly that! You’ll find out which are the best cosmetology schools in the US, and we’ll also provide you with lots of tips and secrets so you get a clear picture of cosmetology. A career choice is an important decision in one’s life, so we provide you with some of the bits and pieces you need to make an informed decision. Here we go!

Education needed to become a cosmetologist

To become a cosmetologist, you typically need to complete a cosmetology program at a college or vocational school. To enroll, you’ll need your high school diploma or the equivalent. States also usually require cosmetology school graduates to obtain a license before starting to practice. The requirements vary by state, but in the majority of cases, those involve a certain number of completed training hours, which is then completed by a test. But learning is a lifelong process, especially in the beauty industry, so it doesn’t stop here. Keeping your license might require continuing education, which can mean taking extra courses and learning about new techniques regularly.

Skills needed to become a cosmetologist

To become a cosmetologist, you’ll need a set of skills to make it in the beauty industry. Those wll help you to transform doing what you love into a career. Here are some of the essential ones.


A sharp eye for detail

In the world of cosmetology, attention to detail is critical for success. Small mistakes can have a big impact on the looks of your client, and an unhappy client means less popularity. This means that you have to be extra cautious with color choices and styles. You need to develop the skill of being able to tell what works and what doesn’t. Your attention to detail will pay off in the long term. 


This is one skill every cosmetologist must have. Developing it is crucial because It will make part of work on a daily basis. But what if someone is not very creative by nature? Well, most people think of creativity as something you need to be born with. But the truth is that most skills are  developed by lots of practice. Practicing will make you bold in your style and unbeatable in your technique. 

Communication skills

Working with people involves a lot of patience, active listening, empathy, and generally, good communication skills. You’ll need a lot of that in the world of cosmetology! Not to mention that communication skills are crucial in making clients feel comfortable. 

Business skills

Acquiring some business knowledge early on can pay off enormously. Planning to own your own brand or salon or want to work as a freelancer? Strong business skills are a must-have for any of those. Marketing, accounting, customer service, and managing employees will become part of your work. Growing your business over time can also depend on your business knowledge.


Cosmetology is a field where change is constantly happening in real time with new trends kicking in. Flexibility and adaptability are two essential skills for a successful business. If you want to keep up with the trends, adjusting services to meet the needs of your clients is a top priority.

The cream of the cosmetology schools in the US

The list of great cosmetology schools in the US could be very long, but we will stick to a shorter selection this time. According to our research, these are the 5 best schools for aspiring beauty professionals in the US.

The Paul Mitchell Schools

Paul Mitchell and John Paul de Joria are the names behind the Paul Mitchell schools and products specializing mainly in haircare. The Paul Mitchell is regarded as one of the best universities of cosmetology in the world. The school is widely accessible, with about 100 locations and 50,000 salons. Their program includes a broad range of courses, among which are manicure, makeup, styling, and texturing. Schools in different locations might have different programs available, so doing your research on your location of interest is necessary to know what’s available. The school is considered one of the best in many areas, including manicure and nail technology.  

Pivot Point Academy Beauty School

This school is definitely keeping pace with current trends and is one of the most popular choices for aspiring cosmeticians. Pivot Point offers its programs in 70 countries, 2,000 institutions, and 15 languages. The school has a social-media-like digital platform, Learn About Beauty or LAB, keeping students successfully engaged. The program includes 13 topics, 106 courses, and 68 workshops. Color and texture, salon success, and cosmetology basics are a few to name. 

Pivot Point was founded by the philanthropist Leo Passage, and as a school with such a history, it is regarded as one of the best choices for hair stylists.  

The Aveda Institute

With its approach rooted in the Indian Ayurvedic traditions, this school is the perfect match for those interested in an organic style of cosmetology. There are 60 locations to choose from in the US, Canada, and Australia. The school has a comprehensive program of cosmetology courses stretching from skincare to haircare. Their sustainable chain of products has been developed from organic materials. In fact, Aveda is the first beauty brand that can be proud of producing its products using only wind energy. 

Empire Beauty School

One of the top institutions for cosmetology, the Empire Beauty School has been running for over 80 years. They offer cutting-edge education coming from the best guidance specialists. Their programs offer many courses from hair designing to makeup and commercial training.

The Sassoon Academy

The school founded by Vidal Sassoon offers a 44-week program for which you can apply without any former experience. In fact, the Vidal Sassoon is regarded as one of the best schools for beginners. Every new student receives a starter kit containing everything one needs to get started on the path of becoming a cosmetologist. The kit is worth $600 and is included in the tuition fee. 



We hope you’ve found this guide to cosmetology schools helpful! Remember that keeping up with the latest trends is not just about perfecting technical skills but also about letting your creativity flow freely to find the style that can become your trademark. Don’t forget to experiment and keep in mind that everybody learns at the price of their mistakes. So keep practicing, growing, and learning all the time! New trends and techniques might be coming out from under your hands one day!

Theresa Hus

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