How to create an account with betx365-win

You must work with an agent on the Betx365 Agent List in order to open an account on betx365-win.

You must work with an agent on the Betx365 Agent List in order to open an account on betx365-win. Both deposits and withdrawals from the account require the assistance of an agent. Deal only with the salesperson who handled the account creation. Read the details below to learn which agent to hire and how to get in touch with him.

Agent listing


Go to Betx365 Win Agent List and select Online Agent List to begin the account opening process. Users can only get in touch with list representatives using WhatsApp. Any other means of communication or commerce besides WhatsApp will not be tolerated. There are two ways to get in touch with WhatsApp: either click on the icon next to it in the list of agents, or save the agent's phone number to your phone and message him through WhatsApp. Your mobile device must already have WhatsApp installed. In that case, download it from Google Play before moving on.


Betx365-win online master agent list


Any worries you might have are welcome to be discussed with a representative. Here are a few instances:


incorrect information about deposits or withdrawals is provided by the agent.

It is suggested that agents work from 10 am to 10 pm. not in the proper manner.

The company has taken the deposit, but is not returning it in the manner agreed upon.

Your identification is currently locked, not unlocked.


There could be a number of issues with the agent. Before you resolve these issues it is necessary for you to familiarize yourself with the functioning of our up lines and to whom you should direct your complaints.


You should speak with a Master Agent's Super Agent if you have a concern about him or her. You can find out who the agent's superior super agent is by selecting the "Complaint" button that is next to each agent's name. View the illustration here:


If you click on the button labeled "Complaint", you will be able to see the name of the Super Agent who will report to this Master Agent. You can then discuss with the Super Agent any aspects of the Master Agent that you find objectionable. Super agents are also empowered to file complaints on its behalf.


You should speak with the super agent reporting to a master agent if you have a concern about him. You must speak with an admin if you want to voice a complaint on behalf of a super agent.


If the super agent is unable to solve your issue, you have the choice to speak with the customer service administrator. You must report the problem if the administrator is unable to fix it.


Super Agent List online


Super Agent enables the creation of both user and master agent accounts. Please get in touch with the administrator right away if a complaint is made about a Super Agent.

The menu up top contains a link to the Betx365 agent list.


Betx365-win online master agent list


Only new user accounts can be created by the Online Master Agent. Any complaints made under the authority of a Master Agent must be sent to the Super Agent. Follow the link for more information.

Local Master Agent List: User accounts are the account type that betx365-win can create for local master agents. Each user, however, is in charge of handling them on his or her own. They have no one to whom they can complain on their behalf.


List of local master agents


These agents typically work with people they know or in their immediate vicinity. Local agents have been appointed to those who have participated in gambling in the past. The majority of local agents avoid using the Internet and favour anonymity. Avoid transacting business with local agents online; you do so at your own risk.

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