Web 3.0 vs. Web 2.0 – Why and How it matters for businesses?

The web3 applications are secure and safe because they don't need your personal information. Tokens are used to provide the information. If you wanted to scale your operations, it would be difficult to do so because this limits your ability to do so.

The internet has grown from being static (Web 1.0) at its beginning to today's interactive web medium, which is a well-known fact (Web 2.0). The rapid advancement of technologies, internet protocols, and stringent user experience standards are to blame for this development. We are now transitioning to the upcoming internet version (Web 3.0). Although these concepts may be well-known, what exactly is Web 3.0 and how does it vary from Web 2.0? Let's discuss Web 3.0 in more detail and examine its implications for businesses.

What is WEB 3.0?

Users can read, produce, and interact with material on the web 3.0, a growing version of the internet. The "read-write-execute" phase is what Web 3.0 is, in a nutshell, if you're wondering what it is. Dynamic applications and machine-to-machine communication are included. For a quicker and more customised user experience, this edition connects decentralised data sources. The metaverse is also being created here.

In this iteration, computers are able to comprehend data in a manner comparable to that of people and intelligently present pertinent content in accordance with user requests. Blockchain development technology is used in Web 3's decentralised internet to secure your data. It will give users ownership stakes in the platforms and applications rather than having the largest computer companies dominate them. Web 3 technology will make use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the semantic web to carry out this phase. The aid of the semantic web will be beneficial to computer systems in understanding and deciphering the context and meaning of the content. The final user thereby gets the most accurate and pertinent result. Web 2.0 was fueled by sites like Facebook and Twitter, but web 3.0 tech firms offer decentralised services suchThese DApps run on cryptocurrency tokens.

Web 3.0 vs Web 2.0 – Which is better for your business?

Although the latter is used as the foundation and the more recent version is an improvement, both web versions appear to be comparable on the surface. Having said that, the type of your company will determine which web version is adopted. To better assess it and assist you in making a decision, let's examine it in comparison.

User Interface

Web2 is a dynamic user interface that offers a great user experience and real-time information updating. The tech oligopolies have control over the information that is exchanged. Web3, on the other hand, gives users access to control their data, increasing security. It might, however, be slower than web2 because it is still in its infancy.


The biggest change brought about by Web3 is this. The centralised authority that oversees the web2 version's data contributes to the customization of the user experience. The web3 version operates on a decentralised principle and gives the user total power.

Security Privacy

Yet, all web2 apps are under the jurisdiction of a single entity, and the owner chooses the data security protocols. The web3 applications are secure and safe because they don't need your personal information. Tokens are used to provide the information. If you wanted to scale your operations, it would be difficult to do so because this limits your ability to do so.


The tech stack for web2 application development includes a number of databases and programming languages, including JavaScript, Ajax, and others. Development of Web 3 applications primarily makes use of AI, ML, Blockchain, etc.


The level of transparency with web3 is automatically raised based on the control of the data. Users can readily access immutable entries thanks to blockchain technology. With higher trust, searches for goods and services can be more focused.


Operation on the web2 versions requires patience and sustained attention in order to streamline corporate processes. Smart contracts are made possible by Web3, permitting the availability of the transaction ledger to all parties and delivering real-time status and statistics.

Web 3.0 vs Web 2.0

Let's compare and contrast web 2.0 with web 3.0 based on various criteria to better grasp their differences. In Web 2.0, interactions at the read- and write-level are the focus. By comparing their distinctive features and in-depth descriptions of the user experience they offer, web 2 and web 3 can be simply compared. You can observe, for instance, that the semantic web is given more priority in web 3.0.


The two web versions' meanings make up the first criterion. The read-write phase refers to the second generation of internet services, also referred to as Web 2.0, which supports read-and-write functions. On the other side, Web 3.0, the third iteration of the internet, emphasises the semantic web and is the read-write-execute phase. It primarily focuses on making decentralised systems easier for users and machines to understand.


The following fundamental distinctions between web 2.0 and web 3.0 would unquestionably draw attention to the two generations' primary goals. Making it feasible for people to interact with online information was the primary objective of Web 2.0. Web 3.0, on the other hand, promotes engagement so that users may fully engross themselves in online content. Whereas Web 2.0 aims to link people, Web 3.0 intends to connect knowledge. Web 2.0 was more broadly focused on tagging and end-user experiences. Web 3.0 placed a strong emphasis on user empowerment through fostering greater trust, privacy, and security. So, it is clear that when contrasting web 2.0 to web 3.0, the target area is a crucial factor. Web 3.0 wants to give users more authority.


The third important distinction between web 2.0 and web 3.0 is the underlying technology. Both have benefited from the development of several cutting-edge technology. Two important technologies that have aided in the growth of web 2.0 are AJAX and JavaScript. Also, you'll notice that CSS3 and HTML5 predominate among the technologies supporting Web 2.0. Next is web 3.0, which is enabled by state-of-the-art technology. Artificial intelligence, semantic web, and decentralised protocols are the key technologies forming the core of web 3.0. Ontologies and knowledge bases are other crucial technologies assisting the creation of the most recent version.

Types of Applications:

The type of apps linked to the two versions would be the next criterion. Web apps are what define Web 2.0. Two-way websites, video websites, podcasts, and individual blogs are examples of Web 2.0 applications. Web 3.0, on the other hand, promotes the creation of intelligent applications by giving them access to ML and AI features. Web 3.0 applications that stand out include multi-user virtual environments, 3D portals, and integrated gaming.

State of Data:

The condition of the data is a key component in the outline of web 2.0 and web 3.0 distinctions. In web 2.0, the network takes ownership of the data. On the other hand, Web 3.0 proposes that data should be held by a specific entity and distributed freely across the network.


The final point of comparison between web 2.0 and web 3.0 is unquestionably the functionalities. Web 2.0 enables greater involvement while introducing a wide range of web apps and social media apps. Moreover, interactive advertising is used. Web 3.0, on the other hand, makes use of behavioural marketing and offers sophisticated, web-based features and apps. Web 3.0 actually offers a stunning example of web technology and information fusion.

Let's examine how Web 3.0 can help the industrial sector now that we are aware of the differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 as well as its upgrades.

Web 3.0 vs Web 2.0 – How will it be Different for Businesses?

Web 3.0 uses decentralised networks to give users better control over their data. Businesses have always been concerned about data security and privacy, which are better addressed with the more recent web. Based on these ideas, Web 3.0 offers the following advantages for organisations over Web 2.0.

Lack of Third-Party Intermediaries

The way businesses work has already changed as a result of internet use. With the development of Web 3 technologies, far more important developments are on the horizon. New business models based on data sharing and collaboration will probably result from the improved ability to do these things. Small firms will be able to reduce operating expenses and boost their competitiveness. In contrast to Web 2.0, Web 3.0 business potential will be supported by decentralised blockchain technology. Instead of using a centralised server, information may be processed across several devices. Businesses will have better tools for managing and utilising their data to enhance their goods and services. Companies that are data-driven will be able to provide fresh ideas and provide services that were before impractical. 

Also, better understanding client wants will enable organisations to develop tailored products and services.

Customer Relationship Management

Small businesses' interactions with clients and how they respond to their enquiries will be drastically changed by the introduction of Web 3.0 enterprises. The importance of customer relationship management (CRM) to firms has long been recognised. Delivering personalised services and offers that will boost sales and customer loyalty requires a thorough understanding of the consumer's needs and preferences. Nevertheless, using conventional CRM methodologies has been tricky since they are typically constrained by the data, making it impossible to get a full picture of the customer.

By the use of social media, surfing history, and other data sources, Web 3.0 technology enables businesses to more fully understand their customers' interests. As a result, they will be able to provide customised services, which will eventually increase their possibilities of interacting with customers. Sales will rise, and customer relations will improve. Also, clients will have more faith in business data. Decentralized networks will be used to retain data in Web 3.0, making manipulation and exploitation more difficult than in Web 2.0. Access to accurate information about their transactions would be available to customers.They can view supply chains in real-time.Consumers will be given reliable updates on the status of their orders, which will increase the credibility of the business. Web 3.0 has the ability to change how businesses interact with their customers and how they use CRM.

Supply Chain Management:

Planning, putting into practise, and managing a supply chain's operations are referred to as SCM. It encompasses the transportation and storage of unfinished products, works in progress, and raw materials. To produce and deliver goods and services to clients, supply chains are used. One of the main objectives of SCM is to satisfy customer demand by maximising the flow of assets, information, and money along the supply chain.

In recent years, increasingly decentralised supply chain networks have replaced traditional supply chains (SCNs). SCNs are information and communication technology-based networks including players such as manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and suppliers.

New Marketing Outlook

When it comes to offering creative and affordable marketing solutions to small businesses, Web 3.0 will radically alter the game. Mobile advertisements now allow local businesses to directly target clients. For small business owners, it will open up a whole new world of possibilities for smart segmentation and marketing research. Companies can better target their audiences by developing pertinent messages with access to comprehensive and nuanced data on their web browsing habits. Apps that track real-time data already make use of some of Web 3.0's characteristics.

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