CO2 Purification and Liquefaction Plant factory CO2 Purification and Liquefaction Plant factory

CO2 Purification and Liquefaction Plant factory CO2 Purification and Liquefaction Plant factory

CO2 Purification and Liquefaction Plant factory CRYOGENIC LIQUID AIR SEPARATION UNIT LIQUID OXYGEN NITROGEN GENERATOR PLANT 1. Air compressor: Air is compressed at low pressure of 5-7 bar (0.5-0.7mpa) 2. Pre-cooling system: Cool the air temperature to about 12 degrees Celsius. 3. Air purifier: double molecular sieve dryer 4. Expander low temperature air cooling: The turbo expander cools the air temperature below -165 to -170 degrees Celsius. 5. The air separation column separates the liquid air into oxygen and nitrogen Liquid oxygen/liquid nitrogen stored in liquid storage tanks Air compressor system Imported centrifugal air compressor, high efficiency and low consumption, stable and reliable operation, you can choose imported Atlas brand refrigeration The air-cooling unit is equipped with imported screw-type refrigeration compressors, and the air-conditioning units all use imported refrigeration components, all equipped with water separators, and the manual and imported automatic drains drain water regularly. vertical The air purification system purifier adopts a vertical single-layer bed, which has a simple and reliable structure and low resistance loss; a built-in filter can blow out and regenerate the purifier at the same time. High-efficiency electric heaters ensure complete regeneration of molecular sievesCO2 Purification and Liquefaction Plant factory website:


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