How Women Are Making Their Way Up the Ranks of Forbes' Billionaires List

While the gender gap still exists in various industries around the world, women are steadily making their mark on Forbes' billionaires list.

Forbes' Billionaires List is a coveted ranking that showcases the world's wealthiest individuals. And in recent years, we've seen an exciting shift as more and more women make their way up the ranks. From tech moguls to fashion icons, these women are breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings in industries traditionally dominated by men. So today, we're taking a closer look at how these trailblazing ladies made their fortunes and what they're doing with all that cash!

Forbes' billionaires list

Forbes' Billionaires List is an annual ranking of the world's wealthiest people, and it has become a global symbol of financial success. The list includes individuals from all sectors, including tech, finance, fashion, real estate, and more. What's fascinating about this list is that each year brings new names to the forefront.

This year alone saw a record number of women making their way up the ranks of Forbes' Billionaires List. In fact, 328 women made the cut in 2021! This signals a significant shift in gender equality within industries traditionally dominated by men.

It’s worth noting that being on this list comes with its own set of challenges. While many billionaires are living their best lives with luxurious yachts and private jets at their disposal, they also face public scrutiny for their wealth disparity compared to regular citizens.

Despite criticism from some quarters over issues such as income inequality or tax evasion controversies surrounding some members listed there every year; Forbes' Billionaires List remains one of the most anticipated publications globally.

Women making their way up the ranks

Women have been making significant strides in various industries, and that includes the world of business. Over the years, we've seen more and more women rise up the ranks of Forbes' billionaires list. In fact, there are 328 female billionaires worldwide as of 2020, holding a combined wealth of $1.29 trillion.

One example is Alice Walton, daughter of Walmart's founder Sam Walton. With a net worth of over $68 billion, she is currently ranked as the 12th wealthiest person on Forbes' list and has continuously been included in it since 2013.

Another prominent figure is MacKenzie Scott, ex-wife to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. After their divorce settlement in mid-2019 left her with a substantial amount of Amazon stock shares, Scott's net worth skyrocketed to an estimated $60 billion by late-2020 -- making her one of the Richest women in the world overnight.

These examples show how some women have managed to succeed financially through inheritance or divorce settlements; however, many others have built their fortunes from scratch by establishing successful businesses or investing wisely throughout their careers.

Despite facing obstacles such as gender bias and unequal opportunities compared to male counterparts on average generating higher returns on investments than men do according to studies like those conducted by Fidelity Investments and Warwick Business School respectively proving women can hold their own against any man when given equal opportunities.

The world's wealthiest women

The world's wealthiest women have been making headlines in recent years as more and more of them make their way up the ranks of Forbes' billionaires list. From self-made entrepreneurs to heiresses, these women have amassed fortunes that put them among the richest people on earth.

One woman who stands out is Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, the granddaughter of L'Oreal founder Eugene Schueller. With a net worth of over $73 billion, she is now the richest woman in the world after inheriting her family's stake in L'Oreal.

Another notable name on this list is Alice Walton, daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton. She currently has a net worth exceeding $61 billion and has made significant philanthropic contributions through her art museum in Arkansas.

But not all wealthy women come from inherited wealth or traditional industries. Kylie Jenner became one of America's youngest billionaires at just 21 years old thanks to her cosmetics empire, while Oprah Winfrey built an entertainment and media empire that puts her net worth at over $2 billion.

No matter how they made their money or what they choose to do with it, these wealthy women are inspiring examples of what can be achieved through hard work and determination. Click on to read more about richest persons in the world

How they made their money

The women on Forbes' billionaires list have made their fortunes through a variety of industries and business ventures. Some inherited their wealth, while others built it from scratch.

One notable self-made billionaire is Kylie Jenner, who launched her own cosmetics brand at the age of 19. With a massive social media following, she quickly became one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the beauty industry.

Another woman on the list is Zhang Xin, co-founder and CEO of SOHO China, a real estate development firm. Zhang started out as a factory worker before earning degrees from both Cambridge and Sussex universities. She then went on to start her own company with her husband and has since become one of China's wealthiest people.

Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx shapewear, also made her fortune by filling a gap in an underserved market. After cutting off the feet of pantyhose to wear under white pants, she realized there was an opportunity for comfortable yet slimming undergarments - and thus Spanx was born.

These women prove that with hard work, determination and innovation anyone can achieve great success – regardless of gender or background.

What they're doing with their money

The world's wealthiest women are not only making headlines for their financial accomplishments, but also for the ways they're using their fortunes to make a positive impact in the world. From philanthropy to entrepreneurship, these female billionaires are proving that wealth can be a tool for good.

One notable example is MacKenzie Scott, who became one of the Richest women in the world after her divorce from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. Instead of hoarding her wealth, Scott has donated billions of dollars to various charitable causes including racial equity and COVID-19 relief efforts. She even pledged to give away the majority of her fortune during her lifetime.

Another billionaire woman using her money for good is Zhang Xin, co-founder and CEO of SOHO China Ltd., a real estate company based in Beijing. Xin has established several scholarship programs aimed at helping underprivileged students receive an education both in China and abroad.

Meanwhile, Oprah Winfrey has used her media empire to promote social justice causes such as education reform and LGBTQ+ rights. She also founded The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa which provides education opportunities to disadvantaged young women.

These examples demonstrate that when it comes to wealth management, female billionaires are leading by example with their selfless acts of giving back and investing in meaningful initiatives around the globe.


While the gender gap still exists in various industries around the world, women are steadily making their mark on Forbes' billionaires list. These women have not only proven that they can succeed in business and finance but also inspire future generations of young girls to pursue their dreams and strive for success. It's important to celebrate these successful women who have defied all odds and made it to the top ranks of wealth through hard work, determination, and innovation. With more support and encouragement from society as a whole, we can look forward to seeing even more females joining this highly coveted list in the years to come.

Newsblare Kimi

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