Benefits of doing body massage

Doing body massage reguarly will supports to deal several health issues.

People should know the health benefits of body massage in their daily life. Regularly doing body massage supports providing so many health benefits in people's lives. 

Skin Refresh

The slight friction of your body massage therapist’s hands along with the body massage lotion and essential oil causes gentle exfoliation, allowing fresh skin cells to emerge.

Nervous System Relaxation

As you relax, your nervous system enters a “rest and digest” mode; If you have areas of pain and tension in your body, it’s possible that they are the result of pressure on nerves caused by tight muscles, and body massage may relieve it.


Tension and depression produce unhealthy levels of the hormone, cortisol. Body massage can lower cortisol levels in the body by an average of 30 percent. Cortisol can cause sleeplessness, among a host of other issues such as head pain and digestive problems.

Relief from depression, stress and anxiety

Decreasing physical and emotional depression is crucial and necessary for improving overall health conditions and well-being. And when cortisol levels decline, serotonin — one of the body’s anti-pain mechanisms — increases by an average of 38 percent after receiving body massage therapy. By doing this you are helping your body to fight off pain, anxiety, and feelings of sadness. Additionally, the warmth of physical touch is proven to help fight off feelings of isolation common to anxiety and stress.

INCREASES Sexual Power

Body massage is not something you have to do alone. Couples body massage can add a level of intimacy to your relationship, while individual body massage has been known to increase libido. Additionally, it can benefit your sex life by increasing circulation, reducing stress, increasing flexibility and relieving pain. Body massage is proven to increase the release of feel-good hormones like serotonin, which consequently reduces stress, and helps put you in the mood. Regularly doing body massage helps to avoid intaking generic ED pills such as kamagra , sildenafil citrate tablets, etc.


Body massage therapy aims to properly align the body once again and improve posture. Body massage helps your muscles loosen and elongate, promoting relaxation, and thus allowing the body to reposition itself in pain-free posture. Additionally, the joints begin to release, and your range of motion and flexibility increase.


When thinking of losing weight, body massage probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Body massage has proven helpful for many clients trying to lose weight. First of all, it is much easier to exercise loose and flexible muscles. Many people have a hard time jumping into an exercise regime when their muscles are sore. Helping increase this motivation to work-out, by making it less painful is a definite advantage of body massage.

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