Discovering the Healing Properties of Eleven Faced Rudraksha

Eleven Faced Rudraksha, also known as "Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha" is a sacred bead that holds significant importance in Hindu culture.

Eleven Faced Rudraksha, also known as "Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha" is a sacred bead that holds significant importance in Hindu culture. This bead is believed to possess healing properties that can bring about physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

In this article, we will explore the history and significance of Rudraksha beads in Hindu culture, the properties of Eleven Faced Rudraksha, and the benefits of wearing this sacred bead.

Brief history and significance of Rudraksha beads in Hindu culture:

Rudraksha beads are believed to be the tears of Lord Shiva and are considered as a powerful tool for spiritual growth and healing. These beads have been used for centuries in Hindu culture for their spiritual and medicinal properties.

It is believed that wearing Rudraksha beads can provide various benefits, including spiritual growth, protection from negative energies, and overall well-being. Different types of Rudraksha beads are available, each with its unique number of faces (mukhis) and properties.

Overview of Eleven Faced Rudraksha and its properties:

Eleven Faced Rudraksha, also known as Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha, is one of the most powerful and rare types of Rudraksha beads. This bead is believed to represent Lord Hanuman and is said to possess immense healing and spiritual properties.

Meaning and significance of 11 mukhi rudraksha:

Eleven Faced Rudraksha is associated with the eleventh Rudra, Lord Hanuman, who is known for his strength, courage, and devotion. This bead is believed to provide the wearer with similar qualities and can help in overcoming fear, negativity, and obstacles in life.

Physical appearance and characteristics of Eleven Faced Rudraksha:

Eleven Faced Rudraksha is oval in shape and has eleven vertical lines or faces on its surface. It is usually brown in color and has a natural hole in the center through which a thread can be passed for wearing.

Importance of the number 11 in spirituality and healing:

The number 11 is considered a powerful number in spirituality and is associated with spiritual awakening, intuition, and higher consciousness. Eleven Faced Rudraksha is believed to amplify the energy of this number and provide the wearer with a deeper connection to their spiritual self.

Healing properties of Eleven Faced Rudraksha on physical, mental, and emotional levels:

Eleven Faced Rudraksha is believed to have several healing properties that can benefit the wearer on physical, mental, and emotional levels. This bead is said to provide relief from various health issues, including anxiety, depression, and stress.

Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha benefits for improving concentration,   memory, and clarity of thought:

Eleven Faced Rudraksha is believed to enhance mental clarity, memory, and concentration. It can help the wearer to focus better and improve their decision-making abilities.

Rudraksha benefits for spiritual growth and self-awareness:

Eleven Faced Rudraksha is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-awareness. It can help the wearer to connect with their inner self and find a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Ways to wear Eleven Faced Rudraksha, including as a rudraksha mala or rudraksha bracelet:

Eleven Faced Rudraksha can be worn in various ways, including as a rudraksha mala or bracelet. It is important to wear it correctly to ensure maximum benefits.

Best practices for wearing and caring for rudraksha beads:

It is recommended to wear Rudraksha beads on a clean body and in a positive state of mind. The bead should be energized before wearing it, and it is advised to remove it before sleeping, bathing, or any strenuous physical activity. Rudraksha beads should be kept in a clean and dry place and should not come in contact with any chemicals.


Eleven Faced Rudraksha is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and healing. It is believed to possess several healing properties that can benefit the wearer on physical, mental, and emotional levels. It is important to wear and care for Rudraksha beads correctly to ensure maximum benefits. By wearing Eleven Faced Rudraksha, one can connect with their inner self and find a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life.

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