Best push workout exercise

Excercise for musle growth is important part of fitness push workout exercise play a role for musle growth

Push workouts are exercises that involve pushing movements away from the body. They target the **chest, shoulders, triceps, and quadriceps**, the major muscles of the upper and lower body¹. Push workouts can be done with different types of equipment, such as dumbbells, barbells, machines, and kettlebells. They are part of a bigger workout program called the **PPL (Push Pull Legs Workout) split method of training**². Some examples of push exercises are **bench press, pushup, overhead press, squat, leg press, and lunge**¹.


Push workouts are beneficial for developing power and musculature in the upper body and making everyday activities easier²³. They can also help you achieve a variety of goals, such as building strength, size, or endurance in your muscles².

Best push pull workout plan

Ravi Parkash

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