What Are The Packages Of Jira?

In this article the packages of Jira is discussed.

What Are The Packages Of Jira?

Jira is a bug-tracking programme created in 2002 by an Australian Atlassian business. It is primarily a bug-tracking application, although it began offering project management services in 2012. It is a Japanese term that signifies "Godzilla." This tool is mostly used to track bugs in software and mobile apps.


Agile developers mostly use Jira to customise workflow and for team discussion, allowing for more confident application deployment. The support desk system and the leave request system also use this tool. Regarding the tester, this tool is utilised for bug tracking, project-level issues such as documentation, and environmental issues. This tool was used by 75000 people from 122 different countries. Jira is made up of four packages. They are listed below:


1)Jira core

2)Jira Software

3)Jira Ops 

4)Jira software desk


1)Jira Core

It is a solution for project and task management. Every business individual uses the work plan, track, and report. This Jira core's new business template accommodates numerous teams, projects, and workflows.


2)Jira Software

Jira software is designed to track bugs in software and mobile apps.


3)Jira Ops

It is a location for responding to issues, connecting systems, and developing a consistent process. Jira Ops is built on Atlassian's Jira platform. And its goal is to automate and streamline incident responses while providing visibility into ongoing incidents and conversation and status updates.


4)Jira software desk

Jira Service Desk is a cutting-edge service desk application. It provides strong visibility and a good structure for the task to provide better service.


Jira Plugins:

Regarding plugins, Jira has a few that can help you get a better result. Jira contains some well-known plugins. They are listed below.


Zendesk, Salesforce, GitHub, Gitbucket, and other similar services. Some of them encourage the team to log the problem immediately into Jira. It built an infinite private repository with full-featured problems and test management. As previously stated, agile developers primarily used Jira software. The developers adhere to the roadmap of planned features for future product editions.

Thus the packages of Jira are Jira core, Jira Software, Jira Ops and Jira software desk. To know more about Jira join Jira Training Online at FITA Academy.


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